Dark Circles Under Eyes: Possible Causes, Care and Treatment

Dark Circles Under Eyes:- Dark circles under the eyes can be recognized by the darkening of the skin under the eyes. Depending on your skin color, the area can be many shades of blue, purple, brown, and black. Dark circles can spoil your overall appearance and make you look tired or old. They can have a variety of causes, but are generally thought to be due to a lack of sleep.

However, they can also have other causes. They are usually harmless, but can affect the person’s appearance, thereby lowering their confidence and self-esteem. This can lead to other problems in the sufferer’s life. Dark circles can occur in anyone at any age, but they start as early as adolescence.

They are not common in children under the age of 10. Dark circles can be easily treated with some home remedies and lifestyle changes. However, when they are caused by an underlying condition, the patient must seek medical treatment to treat the underlying condition.


Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark Circles Under Eyes are a common occurrence for everyone these days and can affect anyone of any age group. Dark circles are accumulations of dark pigmentation under your eyes. These are difficult to remove and can darken over time. They can occur in both men and women and at any age. They are extremely difficult to treat and can take a long time to fully heal. Dark circles can be treated with various medications and lifestyle changes. However, some people even try to cover them up to improve their appearance.

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Dark circles generally disappear by themselves if their cause is eliminated in time. However, if they persist for a long time, getting rid of them can be difficult. The following article covers all the details about dark circles including the causes of dark circles, medical treatment for dark circles and home remedies for dark circles.

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark Circles Under Eyes Details

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Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes

There are a number of causes that can lead to the appearance of dark circles in a person. The most common cause of dark circles is lack of sleep. The most everyday causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes are listed below.


protracted fatigue & lack of sleep can lead to the design of dark circles under the eyes. Lack of sleep can cause your skin to appear dull and pale. This leads to a build-up of fluid down your eyes & the tissue under the skin of the eyes can be exposed. This fabric makes dark circles appear.


Dark Circles Under Eyes can appear at any age but are more common in older people. This is because as you age, your skin thins and the dark tissue under your eyes becomes visible, leading to the appearance of dark circles.

Strain on eyes

Also enough screen time can cause strain on your eyes. This can also lead to Dark Circles under your eyes which are hard to get rid of.


Many allergic reactions and dry eyes can also lead to the appearance of dark circles. This is because the hormones released during an allergic reaction can cause puffy eyes and dark circles.


The most common cause of Dark Circles Under Eyes is dehydration. A lack of water in the body can also lead to thinning of the skin. This can cause dark circles as the tissue under your eyes becomes visible.


Many people are prone to dark circles if they have a family history of them. These dark circles usually appear when the person is young and in early childhood. These dark circles usually remain for the patient’s entire life.

Sun exposure

Prolonged exposure to sun can damage your skin. Thus it can induce the onset of Dark Circles Under Eyes in a person.


Anemia is a condition in which there is a shortage of red blood cells in the body. This can make your skin pale and reveal the tissue under your eyes. This can cause dark circles.

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Medical Treatment Dark Circles Under

Dark Circles Under Eyes are not harmful in any way and can left as they are. However, if you feel that they are badly affecting your physical appearance, you can try the following treatment methods to get rid of them.

Chemical Peels

There are many chemical peels that can treat pigmentation under your eyes.

Tissue fillers

Tissue fillers can used to cover up the blood vessels and melanin that are causing the discoloration under your eyes.

Medical tattoos

Medical tattoos are another way to cover up the discoloration under your eyes. In this procedure, the doctor injects pigment into the thinning areas to cover your under-eye circles.

Laser surgery

The laser is use to improve skin tightening and promote skin healing. This can treat your dark circles and prevent them from coming back.


This treatment also serves to improve blood flow to the affected area.

Fat removal

In this procedure, your doctor removes excess fat and skin from under your skin. This can help to get a smooth and even surface.

Surgical implants

Surgical implants can use to improve the firmness of the skin. They can use under thinning skin to cover the underlying tissue.

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Dark Circles Under Eyes Home Remedies

There are many home remedies that can be used to treat Dark Circles Under Eyes and prevent them from coming back. The following home remedies can be used to treat dark circles under the eyes.

Apply Ice

Ice is extremely effective in treating puffiness under your eyes and dark circles. Applying ice for 8 to 10 minutes can help improve blood flow to the affected area and promote skin healing. This can reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Get Extra Sleep

The most common cause of Dark Circles Under Eyes is lack of sleep. Therefore, you should make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of good sleep every day to treat your dark circles.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is another cause of dark circles. You should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water daily to meet your body’s needs.

Apply Tea Bags

Tea is high in antioxidants, which can help stimulate blood flow to the affected area. You should soak the tea bags in hot water for at least 3-5 minutes and then apply them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Use Under-eye Creams

There are many eye contour creams that will fight pigmentation under your eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Use Makeup

You can also use makeup to cover up the appearance of Dark Circles Under Eyes under your eyes. However, you should choose your makeup products carefully so that they do not irritate your skin and cause allergic reactions.

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Dark Circles Under Eyes FAQ’S

Which oil is best for dark circles?

Almond oil can lighten dark circles under your eyes and reduce puffiness in the area under your eyes. This is thanks to its mitigating and cancer prevention agent properties. Almond oil additionally contains retinol, vitamin E, and vitamin K, which can hold the sensitive skin under your eyes smooth without aggravating it.

Is it possible to sleep away dark circles?

Sleeping well and eating well can help reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, just like they can reduce puffiness. Try this: Make it a priority to get enough uninterrupted sleep so that you can appear rested and reenergized.

Is ice able to lighten dark circles?

Swelling can be reduced and dilated blood vessels can be dilated with the help of cold compresses. Cold compresses can also help reduce the puffiness that dark circles cause. Simply wrap ice cubes in a clean cloth and gently rub them around the eyes.

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