Dengue Infection, Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Platelets Counts & Recovery

Dengue  Infection:- It is a viral illness passed on  by day-biting mosquitoes & is a main public health issue in many tropical &  subtropical countries, with India, Brazil & the Philippines existence the top 3 countries. Dengue, in most cases, doesn’t motive difficulty & has a self-limiting course with full getting better in 2 to 7 days. Moreover, it can as well as  major to the patient’s death in some cases.

Dengue is an illness that can randomly affect people be in the hands of to all genders also age category. The illness is as well as referred to as ‘break-bone fever,’ major cause  of the excruciating pain it may cause. It is prevalent all over the tropical & subtropical regions of the world, with about 50 to 100 million cases of dengue fever in higher 100 countries. Among the common signs of dengue are fever, severe headache, pain in the eyes and joints, muscle & bone pain, rash & fatigue. It commonly recover on its own, but occasionally can be fatal.


Dengue Infection

What's In the Article

The 1st object you must know about dengue is that it is a mosquito-borne tropical illness, the root cause of which is the dengue virus. This virus is generally passed on to a person when an infected Aedes mosquito bites them. There are as various as 4 serotypes of the dengue virus, they are DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. It must be noted that all 4 of them can potentially cause dengue fever. The term ‘dengue fever’ is regularly used to distinguish clinically milder dengue virus infections. In more severe cases, moreover, the term ‘dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)’ is used.

he virus is a mosquito-borne disease, and it’s spread through the air. It’s most common in tropical and subtropical countries, but it can also be found in some parts of the world that are not usually affected by mosquito-borne diseases. Symptoms of dengue fever include fever, a severe headache, joint pain, rash, and bleeding. If left untreated, dengue fever can lead to a life-threatening infection called dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by the dengue virus entering the blood stream and causing severe bleeding episodes. There is no specific cure for dengue fever, but treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting the patient’s health while they’re recovering.

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What is Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a virus that is spread through mosquito bites. It is a serious and potentially life-threatening ailment that can cause a variety of symptoms, from severe headache, muscle pain, joint pain, rash, and vomiting to a more serious condition called dengue hemorrhagic fever. There is currently no cure for dengue fever, but there are treatments that can help shorten the duration of symptoms. Make sure to get vaccinated against dengue if you are travelling to a dengue-endemic area, and take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites – use mosquito repellent, wear long sleeves and trousers, and avoid mosquito-breeding habitats. If you experience any symptoms of dengue fever, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.


Many people happening no symptoms of a dengue infection. When sign do take a place, they may be mistaken for other diseases like the flu & generally starts 4 to 10 days after you are bitten by an infected mosquito. Dengue fever causes a high fever  104 F (40 C) & any of the symptoms  given below –

  • Headache
  • Muscle, bone or joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Swollen glands
  • Rash

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Any one of the four dengue virus types can cause dengue fever. Being around someone who has dengue fever won’t cause you to catch it. In contrast, mosquito bites are how dengue disease is transmitted.

The two mosquito species that carry dengue viruses most frequently are widespread in and around residential areas. The dengue virus enters the mosquito when it bites a person who is afflicted with it. The virus then enters the bloodstream of the person who is bitten by the infected mosquito and produces an infection.

Once you have recovered from dengue fever, you are immune to the virus type that caused your infection for life, but not to the other three types that cause dengue fever. This implies that one of the other three virus types could infect you once more in the future. In the event that you contract dengue fever a 2nd, 3rd or 4th time, your danger of getting severe dengue fever rises.

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Dengue Platelets Counts and Recovery

If you’re living in a dengue-affected area, it’s important to know about dengue platelets counts and how to recover from thrombocytopenia or microvascular leakage syndrome (MILS). Dengue is a virus that can be severe and cause life-threatening illness, and platelets are a key part of your body’s defense system. When dengue virus infects your platelets, they can decrease in number – this is known as thrombocytopenia or microvascular leakage syndrome (MILS). If you do get infected with dengue, your doctor may prescribe blood transfusions to help improve your recovery and reduce the risk of future infections. Remember to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites and stay healthy overall – good hygiene practices and early detection are key to preventing dengue infection in the first place.

Treatment for dengue

Dengue fever is a virus that is spread through the mosquito bite, and is a common infection in tropical and subtropical regions. Although there is no specific treatment for the virus, it can be treated with rest, fluids, and medications. Symptoms of dengue fever range from mild to severe and a variety of them can persist even after the infection has cleared up. For people who are infected with dengue fever, prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential to ensure a good prognosis. Remember to get vaccinated against dengue fever if you are traveling to a dengue-prone region. Severe dengue has no recognized treatment. It may be necessary to treat a patient with this kind of dengue fever in an intensive care unit (ICU). The following are some of the treatments that will concentrate on the symptoms –

  • Blood & platelet transfusion
  • Intravenous fluids for rehydration
  • Oxygen therapy if oxygen levels are low


Signs of dengue typically last 2–7 days. Most people will get well after about a week. Recovery turn on the intensity of the disease & any therapy authorize in the febrile & critical stage. Onset of the get better phase can be identified by the following- Patient improvement. Gradual reabsorption of extravasated fluid (like from plasma leakage) over 48–72 hours.

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How does dengue virus spread?

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne virus that is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It is a serious infection that can cause fever, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain. There is no cure for dengue infection, but there are a number of treatments available to help lessen its severity and duration. When recovering from dengue, it’s important to stay hydrated and restock on vitamins & minerals since they may be depleted while battling the virus. Make sure to keep your fever under control with medications, rest, and hydration. Be aware of the symptoms of dengue and know how to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

Prevention of dengue fever

Dengue fever is a virus that can be fatal if not treated quickly. There are a few ways to prevent dengue fever, including wearing insect repellent and staying indoors during peak hours of the day when mosquitoes are most active. If you do get infected, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Make sure to keep your platelet count high while you’re getting treatment so you have a better chance of beating the virus!


Dengue fever is a virus that is spread through the air. It’s most commonly contracted during the summer and fall, when mosquito populations are at their highest. Symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, joint pain, rash, and fatigue. If you’re infected with dengue virus, your platelet count will likely be low – this is why it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. There is little to no cure for dengue infection, but early treatment definitely reduces the risk of serious complications or death from the virus. For people who have dengue fever, it is important to follow a few simple guidelines in order to ensure a quick and healthy recovery. These include rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and avoiding any strenuous activity.


Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne infection that is characterised by fever, severe headache, joint pain, and a rash. It is a highly contagious disease and can be life-threatening if not treated quickly. Make sure to keep your vaccinations up-to-date and stay aware of the symptoms of dengue fever in order to prevent this infection from spreading. In addition, dengue platelet counts and recovery are important factors to consider after a dengue infection. Keep in mind that there is no cure for dengue fever, but treatment options are available that can help improve your health and quality of life.

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How long does it take for platelets to recover in dengue?

In the primary and secondary infections, mean spontaneous platelet recovery times were 3±2.6 days and 3±1.87 days, respectively. Early recovery time was linked to a greater platelet count at presentation (p<0.033).

How many days platelets recover?

On days 10 through 6 and 8, the platelet count recovered, as did the platelet activation markers. Moreover, our in vitro findings confirmed the above-mentioned findings of a DENV serotype-2-dependent increase in platelet activation.

Is 60000 platelet count OK in dengue?

Your white blood cell and platelet counts may decrease after you have dengue fever. In the normal body, platelet counts range from 1.5 to 4 million; however, in the case of dengue sufferers, these may drop as low as 20,000 to 40,000.

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