Heart Attack: Signs & Symptoms, Risk And Recovery

Heart Attack:- Heart attack is a common condition that affects people over the age of 50. In this condition, the person’s heart is not getting enough blood and heart tissue can become damaged. If this is not treated immediately, it can even lead to the death of the person.

Today, heart attacks are also common among younger people, and people as young as 25 years old can also have heart attacks. Heart attacks are also known as myocardial infarctions and can have various causes. The most common cause of a heart attack is the formation of fatty plaques in the coronary arteries, the so-called coronary artery disease.

Timely treatment of a heart attack can prevent death and even complications of a heart attack. People should have regular health screenings to diagnose underlying conditions and prevent heart attacks from occurring. Heart attacks are treated depending on the cause that caused the attack.


Heart Attack

Heart Attack, myocardial infarction, is a serious condition that can life-threatening if not treated on time. The main cause of a heart attack is the formation of fatty plaques in the coronary artery. Over time, this accumulation can become too large and even block the supply of blood to the heart. This accumulation is called atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease. This causes the individual to experience the symptoms of a heart attack.

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Heart attacks are common in people with high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes, and a family history of heart attacks. Heart attacks are treated with different treatment options depending on the pathogen. People can identify heart attacks by the symptoms that appear just before the heart attack.


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Types of Heart Attack

The Heart Attack is preceded by angina pectoris, chest pain caused by a blockage in the heart’s supply. There are two main types of angina pectoris:

Stable Angina

Stable angina is when chest pain occurs due to exertion or excessive stress. This is a more common form of angina and symptoms only appear with exertion.

Unstable Angina

Unstable angina pectoris is when chest pain can occur at any time. This is treated as a medical emergency and is difficult to distinguish from the symptoms of a heart attack.

A heart attack can have a variety of causes and is divided into two main types depending on the cause.

Type I

Type I heart attacks occur when the attack occurs because of plaque buildup in the arteries. This plaque ruptures the arteries and releases the cholesterol into the bloodstream. This can then lead to the formation of a blood clot in other arteries in the heart, blocking its supply.

Type II

This type of heart attack occurs when the heart doesn’t get enough blood but the artery isn’t completely blocked. Heart attacks can caused by ruptured blood vessels, substance abuse, blood vessel spasms, or hypoxia.

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Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack

A Heart Attack may have various signs and symptoms prior to the actual heart attack, so by recognizing the symptoms in a timely manner, the patient can receive appropriate treatment. Find all the signs and symptoms of a heart attack in the list below.

  1. A pressure or tightness in your chest part.
  2. Pain in the chest part that radiates to your left shoulder and arm.
  3. Burn can even radiate to your neck, throat and jaw.
  4. The patient will too experience shortness of breath & nausea.
  5. The patient will action symptoms similar to heartburn & indigestion.
  6. The patient feeling too feel lightheadedness, dizziness, severe anxiety & extreme sweating.
  7. The calm will too experience heart palpitations & uneven heartbeats.

You should identify the problem of heart attack as soon as possible & get the required cure so as to avoid serious consequences.

Causes of Heart Attack

Heart Attack are extremely common and can happen to anyone in any age group. Heart attacks are more common in men than in women. Heart attacks can have the following causes.

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of a Heart Attack. In this condition, one or more arteries in your heart are block due to the buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries. Plaques constrict blood flow to the heart, forcing the heart to work less efficiently but with more force. When a plaque ruptures the artery, it can cause a blood clot to form in your bloodstream.

Coronary Artery Spasm

In this condition, the coronary artery contracts suddenly and severely, restricting blood flow to the heart. This condition can cause severe chest pain. This condition is also known as Prinz metal’s angina or vasospastic angina.

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)

In this condition, the coronary artery ruptures and has a tear that can cause bleeding in the heart and block the blood supply to the heart.


Some flu can even lead to the onset of a Heart Attack. These conditions can include COVID-19 and viral infections.

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Risk Factors of Heart Attack

A Heart Attack can strike anyone in any age group. A heart attack can occur due to various risk factors list below.


Heart attacks are more common in people over the age of 45 than in men. It is less likely to occur in women, and it occurs in women after the age of 55.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the leading cause of heart attacks in the elderly. High blood pressure can cause already weakened blood vessels to burst due to plaque build-up. This causes blood clots to form in the bloodstream, blocking the supply of blood to the heart.

High Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in a person’s blood can lead to the formation of plaques in the person’s arteries. This forms the basis of coronary artery disease. A diet high in LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is likely to lead to the formation of plaques in small arteries in the heart.


Diabetes is known to increase the patient’s risk of heart attack. This happens when blood sugar levels rise.


Obesity leads to a number of problems in the person. It is well known that obesity leads to high blood pressure, which can ultimately cause patients to have a heart attack.

Family History

A person whose family member has had a heart attack has a higher risk of developing a heart attack.

Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise lead to poor heart health and overall poor human health. This increases the risk of a heart attack for the individual.

Unhealthy Diet

Eating an unhealthy diet high in cholesterol, salt, and sugar can increase your risk of heart attack.


Today’s world is full of stress, and that stress can have a negative impact on your heart’s health. This increases the risk of having a heart attack.

Illegal Drug Abuse

Illicit drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana and alcohol have all been link to causing heart attacks in people.

Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can also increase the risk of heart attack because the body’s cells can damage any part of the body.

Diagnosis of Heart Attack

Heart Attack can analyze by a series of tests that can check as the rhythm of the heartbeat of a person. These tests include-

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The EKG shows the rhythm of your heartbeat and how often your heart beats per minute. This can form the basis for diagnosing any heart disease in the patient. An EKG can show whether you are having a heart attack or have had a heart attack in the past.


An echocardiogram uses ultrasound waves to look for changes in heart function. It creates a picture of how blood moves through the heart, making it easier to look for abnormalities in heart function.

Chest Imaging

Imaging tests of the chest, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans, are also useful in determining the cause of a heart attack and determining if you are at risk of having a heart attack in the future.

Blood Tests

Your doctor may also do a series of blood tests to look for cardiac proteins in the bloodstream, which indicate damage to the heart’s structure. These tests can confirm whether or not the person’s heart is working properly.


An angiogram is perform using a contrast medium to check the structure of the coronary artery and to look for blockages along the course of the coronary artery.

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Treatment of Heart Attack

A Heart Attack is a medical emergency, and every second after the heart attack begins results in more heart tissue being damaged. This requires immediate treatment to save the patient’s life. Once the patient arrives at the hospital, oxygen will given. The following medications can use to treat a heart attack conservatively:


Aspirin is the drug of first choice to treat a heart attack. It removes the blood clot and gets your blood flowing through your heart.


They are given to the patient to break up the clot that has form in the artery. This should given to the patient immediately upon arrival at the hospital.

Blood Thinning agents

Heparin is given to people who are prone to forming blood clots to make their blood less sticky and prevent it from forming clots.


Patients are given morphine to relieve their chest pain and refer pain.


This drug helps lower the amount of LDL in your blood. High LDL levels can lead to clog arteries.

Beta Blockers and ACE inhibitors

To lower blood pressure, patients are given beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. High blood pressure can cause the small clog arteries to burst, which can cause a heart attack. When conservative methods don’t work, your doctor will perform the following surgical procedures depending on the severity and cause of your condition.


Your doctor will surgically insert a stent into your block artery to increase the size of the artery so that blood can flow through it.


It is carry out together with a stent. Doctors open the block artery either by inserting a balloon-like structure into the artery or by manually removing plaque buildup in the artery.


A pacemaker is place in the heart when the heart is unable to produce the signals need to keep the heart beating.

Heart Valve Surgery

Heart valve surgery is perform to correct any defects in the patient’s heart. This helps maintain proper blood flow in the heart.

Heart Transplant Surgery

A heart transplant is perform when the tissues of the heart are damage beyond repair. In this surgery, a match donor’s heart is use to replace the patient’s heart.

Heart Bypass Surgery

In this surgery, doctors divert blood around the blockage. This helps ensure proper blood flow to the patient’s heart.

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Complications of Heart Attack

A Heart Attack can lead to many complications for the patient if he survives it. These complications can cause problems of their own or lead to the development of another heart attack.


Heart attacks can cause patients to experience cardiac arrhythmias, which are characterize by irregular heartbeats and missing heartbeats. This can cause nausea and some heartbeat changes can even prove fatal.

Heart Failure

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood around the body due to excessive tissue damage. This condition can be fatal and requires immediate medical attention.

Cardiogenic Shock

Cardiogenic shock occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood around the body suddenly. It can occur immediately after a heart attack and can be fatal to the sufferer.


This condition is characterize by swelling of the sac-like structure of the heart for a variety of reasons. This can happen after a serious infection or a recent heart attack. If this condition is not control it can fill the space between the layers and the heart, leaving the heart without room to beat, which can lead to a heart attack.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest occurs when the signals that monitor your heartbeat suddenly change and your heart stops beating. In this situation, the heart cannot meet the needs of the body and can even lead to the death of the patient.

Prevention of Heart Attack

A Heart Attack is easy to prevent by making just a few lifestyle changes. You can try the following methods to prevent a heart attack.

Eat Healthily

You should always eat a healthy diet so your body gets all the nutrients it needs to function properly. Avoid too much salt, sugar and fats to live a healthy life.

Exercise Regularly

To keep your heart healthy, you should exercise regularly. This prevents any kind of blockage in the blood supply to your heart.

Quit Smoking And Alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause blood to clot and build up plaque in your arteries, which can lead to blockage of the coronary arteries.

Maintain Your Body Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential to maintaining your body’s overall health. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help maintain a healthy body weight.

Manage Stress

Avoid too much stress in everyday life. Excessive anxiety can have a tremendously negative impact on your heart and overall health.

Manage High Blood Pressure And Diabetes

If you have been diagnose with high blood pressure or diabetes, you need to take extra care of your body and take your medication on time to avoid complications.

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Heart Attack FAQ’S

How might I test myself for a coronary episode?

Awkward tension, pressing, totality or agony in the focal point of the chest that comes on rapidly and will not disappear with rest. – – Pain or discomfort in the stomach, back, neck, or jaw, either in one or both arms. Windedness regardless of chest uneasiness.

How is a minor coronary episode?

Side effects of a small respiratory failure are like an ordinary coronary episode however keep going for a more limit time frame and include: Torment, tension, snugness, or distress in the chest. Torment, shivering, pressing, or uneasiness in different pieces of the chest area, including the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach. difficulty breathing.

What exactly are pre-heart attacks?

Men may experience side chest or left arm pain and numbness. These symptoms may manifest on the right side in women. Women may feel drain, dizzy, or nauseous or experience unexplain exhaustion. Ladies might feel upper back torment that movements up into their jaw.

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