Fever- Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

Fever:- With an increase in body temperature, fever is diagnosed. It is part of an immune response when the immune system tries to fight off an infection. Many children and adults find fever uncomfortable. A fever is nothing to worry about because it means your body is trying to fight off an infection. Most fevers go away within a few days, even without medication. However, if your body temperature is above 40°C and does not drop within a few days, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

The normal body temperature of an adult is 37 °C. Not every rise in body temperature means fever. In adults, a 2°C increase in body temperature is considered a fever. can be diagnosed by taking a person’s body temperature with a thermometer. A person’s body temperature can be measured orally, rectally, via the armpit and ear. The temperatures measured at these locations may vary slightly, but can provide an indication of whether or not the person has a fever.



Fever is an immune response that causes the patient’s body temperature to rise and exceed normal body temperature. In general, fever is not a serious condition and can be managed with over-the-counter medications and bed rest. However, when infants have a fever, it means they have a serious infection and need medical attention. Many children can also have seizures if they have a fever for a long time.

This is called a febrile seizure and can cause loss of consciousness, tremors in the limbs, eye rolling, and stiffness in the body. These seizures do not cause permanent damage to the body. However, you should have your child evaluated and treated for the cause that is causing the fever. Fever can also have other causes, such as heat exhaustion, after vaccinations and tumors. The following article covers all the details of Fever, its causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment and preventive measures.

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Fever Overview

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Causes of Fever

Fever is generally an immune response to infection or injury to the body. There are also other causes that can cause a person to develop a fever. These causes are listed below.

A Viral Or bacterial Infection

Fever is generally an immune response to infection or injury to the body. There are also other causes that can cause a person to develop a fever. These causes are listed below.

After Vaccination Such As DPT, COVID-19 Vaccine And Chickenpox Vaccine

Many babies experience a slight fever after the first vaccination. Because the vaccines aim to strengthen the immunity of patients against many diseases. Vaccines also trigger an immune response that can cause fever in infants.

Inflammatory Conditions

Many inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can also lead to the development of fever in some patients, as these diseases activate the immune system and can lead to the development of Fever.

Malignant Tumours

Many malignant tumors also cause fever in some patients because they can weaken the patient’s immune system. Side effects of medications for high blood pressure and seizures-Fever can also be a common side effect in many people who start taking medication for high blood pressure or seizures.

Heat Stroke

Fever after prolong exposure to heat can also cause some people to develop a fever.

Symptoms of Fever

A Fever can have many other symptoms, depending on what is causing the fever. Some of the most common symptoms associate with fever are list below.

  • Excessive Sweating
  • Body aches
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite and Dehydration
  • Chills and shivering
  • Irritability
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Flushing of the face and hot skin

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Treatment of Fever

If you have a low-grade fever, there is no need to worry and it can treate at home. The following treatment methods can used to treat fever.

Over-The-Counter Medications

Many over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and acetaminophen, can use to treat a fever. These drugs can treat body pain and lower the patient’s body temperature.

Prescription Medications

If your Fever is cause by an underlying condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or a bacterial or viral infection. Your doctor will then prescribe medication to treat the cause. These may include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs to help relieve your other symptoms and fever.

Drink More Fluids

Your doctor will advise you to drink more fluids as this improves heat loss through sweating and lowers your body temperature.

Bed Rest

You are recommend absolute bed rest as your body needs time to recover from the fever and illness.

Cold Compresses

If you have a very high Fever, you can put a cold towel on your forehead to lower the temperature. You can also wear loose clothing and sleep with just a light blanket. Use this method only if you are not suffering from chills and chills. Otherwise, these symptoms may worsen and your body temperature may rise further.

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Prevention of Fever

Because Fever is an immune response, to prevent it, you must prevent anything that can stimulate your immune system and lead to the development of a fever. You can follow the methods list below to prevent fever from occurring.

Get Your Vaccines

You should get all vaccinations at the prescribe times to prevent diseases that can lead to fever. These diseases include chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.

Wash Your Hands

You should always wash your hands when you come home from outside and teach your children to do the same. Teach your children to wash their hands thoroughly to prevent illness.

Avoid Touching Your Face

You should avoid touching your face and ears when you are outside as this can allow bacteria to transfer from your hands to your face and into your body.

Cover Your Coughs And Sneezes

Always cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbows, as this can spread infection to other people through your droplets.

Avoid Sharing Utensils

You should not share your utensils with your children as this can also lead to the transmission of bacteria from you to your children.

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Fever FAQ’S

Is 102 degrees a high fever?

A low-grade fever is typically defined as a body temperature between 100.4 and 102.2 degrees. Dr. Joseph stated, “The temperature does not necessarily need to be treated with medication if it is not high.”

Is a temperature of 99.5 normal?

The normal body temperature is between 97.5°F and 99.5°F (36.4% and 37.4% Celsius). It typically rises in the evening and falls in the morning. A fever is generally considered to be at least 100.4°F (38°C). A person has a low-grade fever when their temperature ranges from 99.6°F to 100.3°F.

What brings on fevers?

A brief rise in body temperature is referred to as a fever. It is one component of a larger immune system response. A common cause of fever is an infection. For most kids and grown-ups, a fever might be awkward.

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