Hemorrhoids: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complication, Treatment

Hemorrhoids:- Hemorrhoids, is a serious condition in which the veins in your rectum and anus can become swollen and bleed with every bowel movement. Hemorrhoids can occur for a variety of reasons, but most of the time there is no known cause of the condition. Symptoms can range from mild itching and pain to severe burning and painful bowel movements.

Anyone can be affected by hemorrhoids, but they are more common in the older age group. Hemorrhoids tend to affect people over the age of 50, and cases can be severe enough to even require surgery. In most cases, they can get better on their own, but in some cases they can become very serious and require medical intervention. Hemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding, affecting almost everyone at some point in life. All the details on the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and how to treat hemorrhoids at home are in the article below.



What's In the Article

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that affects almost everyone. This condition can cause extreme pain, burning, itching, and irritation in the person. Bleeding can even occur during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids develop in the anal canal and can cause bleeding during bowel movements. External hemorrhoids usually form on the outside of your anus and tend to be more painful and uncomfortable as they cause irritation even when sitting down.

Hemorrhoids can be easily cured with some lifestyle changes and home remedies. However, if you feel your symptoms are getting worse, you should see a doctor right away. Surgical corrections may be required in the worst cases, but healing with conservative management occurs in most cases.

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Hemorrhoids Details

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Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be suspected by spotty bleeding with bowel movements and pain with bowel movements. Still, you should note and track your symptoms to help your doctor make the correct diagnosis. Hemorrhoids can show the following symptoms.

  1. You will notice blood stains on the toilet paper and in your stool.
  2. You may even feel some kind of skin texture sticking out of your anus, which indicates your hemorrhoids are advanced.
  3. Also, you will experience a burning and itchy sensation in that area.
  4. You will also feel pain and redness in the area of ​​your anus. This can even cause irritation during normal everyday activities.
  5. You can also push in the lump of tissue protruding from your anus, which confirms the diagnosis of hemorrhoids.

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Diagnosis Of Hemorrhoids

The doctor is the one who makes the final diagnosis. You should carefully note your symptoms so your doctor can make the correct diagnosis. The table below shows different degrees of severity of hemorrhoids, which the doctor will use to classify your condition and then prescribe the appropriate medication for you.

Grades Characteristics
Grade I The pile may bleed and push into the anal canal but there is no prolapse yet.
Grade II The heap prolapses during a bowel movement, but retracts on its own.
Grade III The stool prolapses during defecation, but does not retract on its own and the person must push it back manually.
Grade IV The pile is permanently prolapsed and cannot pushed back manually.

Hemorrhoids are usually easily treatable, but sometimes they can even cause many complications. Some of these rare complications are listed below.

  1. In some rare cases, chronic cases of hemorrhoids can lead to anemia in the person, which means your body cannot easily meet its needs.
  2. In some cases, the blood supply to the hemorrhoids can cut off for some reason. In these cases, a strangulated hemorrhoid occurs, which can cause excruciating pain.
  3. Sometimes a hemorrhoid can form a blood clot, which is not fatal but is extremely painful and can lead to further bleeding.
  4. Chronic hemorrhoids can even become infected as they are filled with blood that attracts many bacteria and viruses.
  5. In an extremely rare case, an anal fistula, which is an abnormal passage between the anus and the skin nearby, can form. This can lead to a number of other complications.

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Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Treatment for hemorrhoids can include conservative and surgical treatments in the hospital. Below are some of the most common treatment methods.

  1. A surgical procedure called a hemorrhoidectomy may performed, in which your hemorrhoids are cut off.
  2. Another surgical procedure called a stapled hemorrhoidectomy may also performed. This involves first removing your hemorrhoids and then re-clamping them to keep them from protruding into your anus.
  3. A conservative method called rubber band ligation can also done. A rubber band is tied around your hemorrhoids to help them fall off.
  4. In another procedure, your doctor will inject a liquid into your hemorrhoids to shrink them.
  5. Electrotherapy can also used. It involves applying a small amount of electrical current to your stakes to shrink them.

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How To Treat Piles At Home

Before you go to the doctor, there are many home remedies you can try to treat your hemorrhoids. In most cases, your hemorrhoids can treated using these methods and no surgical intervention is required. You can check out these remedies below.

  1. You can apply over-the-counter lidocaine creams to the affected areas.
  2. If you experience severe pain, you can also take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat your pain and the inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
  3. When you have a bowel movement, try not to exert too much pressure and breathe deeply. This will help you avoid over-irritating your hemorrhoids.
  4. Include plenty of fiber and fluids in your diet to keep your stools from becoming too hard and allowing you to pass them easily.
  5. Avoid holding in your stools and go to the washroom as soon as you feel the urge to pass stool.
  6. Do not sit for long periods of time as sitting can put pressure on and irritate your hemorrhoids.
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Hemorrhoids FAQ’S

Are hemorrhoids self-limiting?

The good news is that these swollen veins outside of the anus or inside the rectum typically go away on their own after a few days. Hemorrhoids, on the other hand, can become a recurring or ongoing issue for some people. They might even be painful and make it hard to do things like sit or walk every day.

What causes a hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids happen when there is a lot of strain on the veins around the rear-end. This can be brought about by: putting pressure on the bowels. sitting for an extended period of time on the toilet.

What is the duration of haemorrhoids?

Within a few days, most mild internal hemorrhoids go away on their own, but it can take up to a week. On the other hand, larger hemorrhoids can last anywhere from two to three weeks. Because they are more likely to cause problems, they may not go away on their own and you will need to see a doctor.

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